Introduction of Wellista

Some may call it a tagline, but for us, it’s a way of life. It’s our Monday-thru-every-day mantra. An unfiltered philosophy that drives us to create a community and a gym for all.

No judgments mean room for everyone, regardless of shape, size, age, race, gender or fitness level. No matter your workout of choice, we want you to feel good while reaching your goals. Join the fun.


Welcome to the Wellista Family

There are no judgments here – No too much or not enough. No glares of disapproval. Here we keep open minds. We are nurturers. We seek only to encourage, empower and entertain. There is no one type. There is no one reason. There is no one way.

What we are is a diverse community; what we have is a culture of fun; what there is, is room for everyone: all kinds of people with all kinds of goals who’ve chosen to come reach them with us.

Why We Do What We Do

We started modestly as one small gym in a humble basement studio in Mumbai City in 2019 as a welcoming place for a diverse group of people to get fit. While we believe in the power of fitness to improve lives, we also know exercise is hard work and everyone can use a little more motivation. So, we’ve fused fitness and entertainment so that we can make serious exercise fun.


We are nurturers: we seek only to encourage, entertain, and empower.


Here we keep open minds. There is no one type or way in our diverse community. Come as you are!


We know serious fitness is hard, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be an edge-of-your-seat, can’t-get-enough, look-forward-to-your-workouts party.

Our Program

Improve Your
health With Us



You can think of personal training like our secret sauce – it’s the fastest and safest way to get seriously awesome results.



Get sweaty with your best friend or make a new workout buddy on the turf in our group training sessions!



Proper nutrition fuels your workouts and helps you get the most out of your time at the club.